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Sweet Pongal

Pongal is one of the famous traditional South Indian special dish. Pong means “spill over” that is how the dish named. There are two varieties of pongal, one is Sweet pongal and another is Ven Pongal. Spicy or ven pongal is the common break fast in Tamilnadu.

The sweet pongal is famous for prasadam (an offering made to god as a thank giving). This can be prepare with milk and jaggery during the pongal festival in january and can be made in earthernware pots and with a wood fire. Sweet pongal is known as Chakra Pongal in Andhra Pradesh and Sakkarai pongal in Tamilnadu.


  • Rice – 1 cup
  • Mung dal – ¼cup
  • Sugar – 1 cup
  • Jaggery – 1 cup(grated)
  • Cardamom powder – 1tbsp
  • Fresh pure ghee – ¼ cup
  • Water – 2cups
  • Cashew nuts, Raisins, small coconut pieces – 1/2 cup

How to cook sweet pongal:

  1. Roast the mung dal on simmer until the raw smell has completely gone.
  2. Mix and then wash both the rice & mung dal.
  3. Soak them in fresh water for half an hour.
  4. Cook the rice & mung dal normaly in electric cooker or pressure cooker.
  5. Transfer into another thick bottomed cooking vessel.
  6. Add sugar and grated jaggery to it.
  7. Cook without lid for 10 min, you can observe that sugar and jaggery liguified.
  8. Add milk and cook well in order to avoid sticking to walls of the container until the sweet becomes thickened.
  9. Lastly pour ghee and cardamon powder and cook for 5min.
  10. Roast Cashew nuts, Raisins and small coconut pieces in one tbsp of ghee one after another.
  11. Add them to the sweet pongal and mix.
  12. Serve hot or cool pongal.

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